Should You Work with a Lawyer for a Suspended License?
We understand that it’s difficult to have your license suspended, but we can help. Here, we’re going over the main reasons your license can be suspended and what can be done.
We understand that it’s difficult to have your license suspended, but we can help. Here, we’re going over the main reasons your license can be suspended and what can be done.
A PJC is the acronym for a Prayer for Judgment Continued. A PJC is most commonly requested in traffic related offenses such as speeding offenses, red light tickets and other types of Chapter 20 motor vehicle violations.
Gun rights are a hot topic, and having your rights removed for gun ownership is a real issue for many people. However, there may be ways to have your rights reinstated. Find out how you can received a conceal and carry permit if you were denied.
Mental health is a big topic when i comes to who should and should not be allowed permission to received a gun permit. Even if you are voluntarily committed for mental health reasons, you could be denied firearm rights.
Have you been properly compensated for signing your employment non-compete agreement? North Carolina law specifies that certain consideration must be provided to employees who sign a non-compete for their employer. Make sure you know what benefits you are entitled to receive.
Enforcing a non-compete agreement is not as easy as one would think. Often the language can be difficult to enforce. Knowing how the courts view a non-compete will greatly influence the case results. Find out how North Carolina Courts will determine a non-compete case by reading this great resource from our Raleigh business lawyers.
Non-competition agreements, commonly referred to as non-compete agreements, are often requited from employers. In recent history, these contracts have been held up very strictly by the courts of North Carolina. Lately, there appears to have been a shift. Now, the North Carolina Court of Appeals has potentially decided to change the rules of the game to clearly benefit employers.
If you own land, you have probably heard about the North Carolina trespassing laws which help protect your land. You may also be aware of the Landowner Protection Act, a law that became effective on October 1, 2011. The purpose of this legislation was to help further protect land and wildlife on these lands. Learn about how this may affect you!
We are often asked about recording a third party. This can be a complex issue because the law varies from state to state and North Carolina is no exception for having different laws compared to its neighbors. Whether you are a journalist, employer, or artist, be sure that you know the law and how it applies you.
Being a criminal defense attorney, I see a lot of cases which involve drug use. Unfortunately, many of the cases involving drug use also include some form of drug addiction. There are many options for overcoming addiction, though, in many cases, Drug Treatment Court is the recommended option. But after all, what is Drug Treatment Court?