Raleigh Attorneys for Pedestrian Injuries
Contact our attorneys below.
A roadway collision between a pedestrian and car often results in a disastrous situation for the pedestrian. Traversing a sidewalk or roadway by walking, jogging or other means leaves pedestrians vulnerable at all times. A car who’s owner neglects its worn tires can have a blowout and jump a curb, or inebriated driver can overlook a person walking through a crosswalk when making a U-turn and hit them. These are extreme examples, but they are all very real situations that can happen at any time.
Even if a vehicle is moving a slow speeds the injuries sustained could be life threatening.
Where Do Most Pedestrian Accidents Occur
The most common place for a pedestrian injury to occur would be where congestion is most prevalent. Congestion and urban settings are a perfect mix for potential collisions, and accidents with pedestrians are no different.
Often intersections and areas where cars will be able to make a turn into a lot or down a street are the locations of collisions with pedestrians.
Reasons Why a Car Might Hit a Pedestrian
So many reasons could be at fault for causing the collision. Most of the time distracted driving plays a role. Other times, a pedestrian is on a stretch of road that is uncommon for pedestrians and the driver was unaware there was someone there. No matter the reason, these accidents are life changing.
Here are some reasons why a driver might hit a pedestrian:
- Disobeying traffic laws
- Running red lights
- Speeding
- Failing to yield right of way
- Failing to see road signs
- Not using turn signal
- Impaired driving from substance abuse: drinking/drug use
- Inexperienced driver
- Disobeying traffic laws
- Distracted driving or not paying attention while driving
Injuries Resulting from a Pedestrian Collision with a Car
Anytime a human collides with a car, there are certain problems that should be looked and treated for:
- Broken bones
- Concussions
- Spinal trauma
- Lacerations and Abrasions
- Internal organ damage
What to Do if You are Struck by a Car
Obviously if serious injuries have occurred, getting the information listed below may be problematic. However, if you are capable, these details will be extremely valuable to help the damage claim in your case.
- License number of the vehicle
- License number of the driver
- Name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle
- Name of the insurance coverage provider for the vehicle
- Contact information of any witnesses
Responsibilities on the Road Way
Both drivers and pedestrians have certain obligations to keep North Carolina roadways safe. Granted, drivers carry the brunt of the responsibility, but if pedestrians are at to blame for the accident, then they can be held responsible as well.
Pedestrians should:
- Obey all traffic signals and signs
- Walk within crosswalk
- Walk when the walk signal displays
- Do not dart into traffic to cross the street
Drivers should:
- Follow posted speed limit signs
- Pay attention to road conditions and drive accordingly
- Use turn signals to alert pedestrians of intentions to turn
- Yield to pedestrians in cross walks
Contact Our Experienced Pedestrian Accident Lawyers and Personal Injury Attorney’s for Help with Your Case!
As more runners and walkers take to the Raleigh roadways potential collisions with cars may rise. The injuries you sustain can be life threatening or may be something you have to deal with permanently. If you have been involved in a vehicle related event and need representation, our team at Kirk, Kirk, Howell, Cutler & Thomas will be ready to serve you.
Call our Raleigh personal injury attorney’s at (919) 365-6000 or complete the online contact form below to speak with a Raleigh pedestrian injury attorney.
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Phone: (919) 365-6000
Our Office:
200 North Pine Street
Wendell, NC 27591