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Fayetteville Outer Loop Improvements

The Fayetteville Outer Loop Project

road construction fayetteville*This project is under construction, litigation may no longer be viable.

The Fayetteville Outer Loop is a project that will create a 39-mile link between I-95 to 401/Ramsey Street. This project may have started in the late 1980’s however the first phase of the project which connected I-95 to Ramsey Street did not open until as late as 2005. The cost of this first connection was $146 million. The Fayetteville Outer Loop project is scheduled to be completed by 2025.

What are the Benefits of Completing the Fayetteville Loop?

The completed project should provide relief to the congested area and provide alternate routes for traffic.

NCDOT hopes to:

• Reduce the volume of traffic on portions of the local streets
• Reduce wear and tear on the local streets
• Connect major routes in the south, west, and north portions of Fayetteville
• Offer an additional way to cross Cape Fear River
• Provide economic growth to the region
• Support the military

What will be some of the Fayetteville Outer Loop Connections?

The completed Fayetteville Outer Loop will connect major sections of Fayetteville, allowing for traffic to pass unimpeded.

Major interchanges will be located at:

• U.S. 401 Business/Ramsey Street to All American Freeway
• All American Freeway to Cliffdale Road
• Cliffdale Road to U.S. 401/Raeford Road
• U.S. 401/Raeford Road to Camden Road
• Camden Road to I-95

Eminent Domain May Allow the State to Claim Your Property

The government has the right to take over your private property for public use. This procedure is called Eminent Domain or Land Condemnation. With the land the government acquired from you, the government can build schools, parks, and roads such as the Fayetteville Outer Loop. The government is required to provide the property owner with fair value. We understand what is considered fair value by the government may not be fair value to you. We are here to help.


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Contact Our Eminent Domain Attorneys

If your home or business happens to be in the construction area it is possible that you will be contacted by NCDOT regarding using your property for their project. Fortunately, you are not alone. An eminent domain attorney will help give you a piece of mind and get a fair value on your terms for your property.

Don’t miss out on experienced legal support for your case. Simply fill out the short form below or call (919) 615-2473 today and let the attorneys of Kirk, Kirk, Howell, Cutler and Thomas, LLP help you.

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